Exclusive Contracts: Retrograde Effects of Special Privileges
With recent restructuring of the health care delivery systems, a number of physicians are either employed or have strong financial ties with the hospital. Hospitals perceive a benefit in giving exclusive privileges to a group of physicians in the form of Exclusive Contracts which prohibits other equally qualified physicians from practicing their science and art. In a field like Cardiac Surgery, although competition is effectively eliminated by an Exclusive Contract, it does not necessarily benefit the privileged group of surgeons. On many occasion the hospital and the surgeons lose a referral due to non- availability of the surgeon from the privileged group. In general any special privileges are un-american and inherited from Old World systems of government. While Department of Justice allows such Exclusive Contracts, in my personal opinion, for certain individuals to have exclusive privileges granted to them by law to exercise any art, trade, or profession, with all the advantages derived from it, whilst other equally competent and as well qualified should be debarred therefrom, is not only unjust towards the public at large, but that it lays the foundation for an odious monopoly with all its dictatorial and dogmatic power. No art or science could be benefited in this way, and the security and monopoly conferred by such legal protection would tend to beget indifference and carelessness that would effectually serve to produce a retrograde rather than a progressive effect. Therefore all reasonable Cardiac Surgeons and physicians must speak out against the unjust practice of Exclusive Contracts in order to protect our freedom to serve our patients unfettered from outside pressures.
Pankaj Kulshrestha, M.D. --
Pankaj Kulshrestha, M.D.Dayton Cardiac Surgery East Medical Plaza 627 Edwin C. Moses Boulevard, Suite 5J Dayton, OH 45417
Tel: (937) 938-9194 | Fax: (937) 938-9242
www.daytoncardiacsurgery.com | |
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